Thursday, October 21, 2010

HW 10 - Food, Inc. Response

Food Inc. states how the government controlls everything we eat at times. And the meat we eat contains a load of diseases because of the farmers and what they feed the animals on the farm. The way the farmers raise their animals are inhumane. When the truth comes out they get pissed since the truth does hurt and they try to sue people even though they know they can't win the case.

The movie offered a load of different stuff that i didn't see in the book, like how when somebody speaks the truth on what they are doing to the people and kids in america they get pissed and try to sue people. (Ex. Oprah Winfrey). And how the government controlls the things we eat and how they make food addicting to eat so that we can keep buying it.

The book offered some different stuff like the book that i read which was  Omnivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollan talked about how everything we eat and drink is made out of corn. Sadly come to think of that its pretty disgusting seeing how we eat corn and drink corn with our meals. Seriously corn + corn = more corn seems nasty if you think about it. But the movie didn't speak about everything being made out of corn from what i recall they never did. Which i think if people heard that they would be pretty disgusted just the way i am. Which is why i hardly drink soda and always drink water.

Only remaining question i have is why do the farmers need to treat animals the way they do? Like i know they need to in order to make more meat or whatever. But what they do to the animals is cruel. Like this video go there and watch the video and look how they treat the animals.

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