Monday, September 27, 2010

HW 4 - Your Families' Foodways

The people in my household tend to eat less healthier things than I do. In the morning my breakfast could consist of two hard boiled eggs, whole wheat bread, and a protein shake. Where my mom for example eats fried eggs with bacon and juice. From that alone i guess you can basically assume who eats healthier and who tends to slack off a bit at times. What makes it worse is that my mom is a diabetic and she eats fatty foods from her home cooked meals which i refuse to eat at times.

When i asked my mother about the generational changes in the food we today and what she ate back then are different from the way we have it. Back then she told me that her mother used to cook everyday and they didn't have the luxury of eating out like us "kids" have it now. She stated that we have it easier and that we take the luxury's we have and don't really think about it, but if we lived back then when there wasn't a lot of eating out at fast food places everyday then they wouldn't really rely to much on fast food places as they do now.

A day ago i recently ate two who wheat sandwiches with a protein shake. And i ate that dinner by myself in my room in front of my TV away from my mom since she ate her home cooked food. And this differentiates my food ways from my family food way because instead of eating chicken cooked in oil and rice and beans i chose to eat healthier then what i usually eat or from what people in my family usually eat. But my food ways is way different than my mom since i eat healthier and my mother chooses to eat fattier foods.

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